Geography can be introduced to children at a very young age. Even the smallest child can understand the concept of their street, their neighborhood, their town, and so on. From there, learning geography is a great way to inject fun and interest into your homeschooling approach. It is so relevant to our daily lives that children cannot help but be interested in it. As they get older, they learn about other countries, peoples, and cultures, allowing them to see themselves as part of a bigger world.
World Geography
Learn about the world we live in—different countries, climates, continents, people, and cultures. Teaching and learning world geography is an opportunity to explore the diversity of our world and to bring us closer to an understanding of other people and their ways of life.
U.S. Geography
Explore America! We've gathered great resources, curriculum, ideas, geography games, and more to help make learning about the United States fun, relevant, and interesting.
Map & Globe Skills
The ability to properly read maps and globes gives you an opportunity to explore different places, people, and cultures in the real world. These resources, teaching tips, and ideas will help make it easy for your children to learn to read and understand maps and globes.
State Studies
Learn all about Maryland by exploring the great resources we've gathered together. Explore Maryland's history, landscape, terrain, heritage, and other geographic features. Then go exploring in the real world with the knowledge you've gained!
Featured Resources
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Black Children : Social, Educational, and Parental Environments
Black Children, Second Edition collects current empirical research unique to the experiences and situations of black children and their parents. As the editor emphasizes, "African American children develop a duality for their existence. To be fully functional, they must develop the skills to do well simultaneously in two different cultures, both black and non-black." This volume explores the meaning of this duality in four distinct environments: socioeconomic, parental, internal, and educational...
Montessori Method
This book is Montessori's own exposition of the theory behind her innovative educational techniques. She shows parents, teachers and administrators how to "free a child to learn through his own efforts".
Guiding Your Catholic Preschooler
There can be no greater delight in parenting than passing on the Faith to the next generation. To help with that glorious responsibility comes Guiding Your Catholic Preschooler, a parents handbook to home-based religious instruction for the youngest members of the family. Filled with practical ideas, developmental guidelines, and a contagious enthusiasm for the treasures of the Catholic Faith, this exciting guide makes raising truly Catholic kids one of life s greatest pleasures. Recommended in ...
100+ New Jersey Drivers Licensing Exam Facts That You Need To Know: Quick Review for the Written Test
Prepare for the New Jersey's Driver's Written Exam. Know the 100+ important facts for the test. Be prepared to ace the exam!
Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us)
In this brilliant, lively, and eye-opening investigation, Tom Vanderbilt examines the perceptual limits and cognitive underpinnings that make us worse drivers than we think we are. He demonstrates why plans to protect pedestrians from cars often lead to more accidents. He uncovers who is more likely to honk at whom, and why. He explains why traffic jams form, outlines the unintended consequences of our quest for safety, and even identifies the most common mistake drivers make in parking lots. Tr...